If you have ever driven through North Carolina, it doesn't take much imagination to see the red clay soil as good base material for bricks. Our bricks come from that source. Triacic shale is added and baked at 2000 degrees F. in an automated robot-directed factory.

The manufacturer is Triangle Brick of Durham, NC, and for you inquisitive types, their website is
http://www.trianglebrick.com/. The pallet pictured contains about 550 bricks. Our particular brick is called Cape Cod and is sandblasted to roughen up the finish. Splashes of charcoal are added to provide variety and promote a look of age and maturity. Pieces of rope are used as spacers.

The scaffolding is in place to provide platforms for the workers as they progress up the wall. Our reading about the brick process leads to the conclusion that the making of brick and its consequent use as a building material is both an art and a science!

Inspector Suki has completed her survey of the leveling process on the wall and is now counting the bricks lined up for tomorrow's effort. She reports satisfaction at this juncture.
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