Suki, the inspector, is on frog patrol. In the picture she has just scared one off her rocks. In her trip around the deck pond, she moved six into the water. She calls this a very good day!

Marcia is working on our deck flower boxes. We bring dirt from our compost pile and add flowers. They make a welcome sight in trips back and forth to the horse barn and the gardens beyond. Flowers are a real gift from Mother Nature.

An old early summer favorite emerges. Wigelia blooms for a long time and darkens in color as the flowers mature. This plant is several years old and has survived winters and rabbit attacks under the snow.

I'll bet your grandmother and great-grandmother had a spiorea bush. They are almost indestructible and are a long-time urban and country landscape mainstay. As a very young boy, Bill can remember visiting his paternal historical homesite in Tuscarora. The property had been abandoned for over 100 years. The buildings were long rotted away, and the row of old spiorea plants, still in bloom, ringed the old cellar footprint!
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