Wow! I was nominated for the Kreativ Blogger award by my friend, Jeanne Beck, who writes so wonderfully about her art-full life. Be sure to check out her blog!
And, now to comply with the award...
1. The winner may put the logo on her blog. (done)
2. Put a link to the person you got the award from in your blog:
Jeanne Raffer Beck
http://exploringthesurface.blogspot.com/3. Nominate 5 blogs.
It's hard to pick, but in no particular order, I nominate:
Melody Johnson
http://www.fibermania.blogspot.com/Lots of color and lots to see, whether Mel is quilting, knitting, painting, home decorating, or enjoying her new country property.
Priscilla Kibbee
http://priscillakibbee.blogspot.com/Wearable artist and art quilter, Priscilla is also a world traveler who searches the foreign markets for wonderful fabrics and specialty items for embellishing our garments and quilts.
Elizabeth Barton
http://www.elizabethbarton.blogspot.com/I haven't met her, but this artist does wonderful work and shares her thoughts on the creative process.
Marcia Murphy
http://www.fabricsandfashion.blogspot.com/Marcia makes beautiful hand-dyed and designed fabrics and creates wearable art with her fabrics. Several of my friends and I have been fortunate to acquire some of her fabrics and clothing items.
Beth Brandkamp
http://quilterb-bethsblog.blogspot.com/Beth is our "go-to" person for all things to do with fabric dyeing. Check out her blog for great information on fabric dyeing, including marbling and shibori. She also has great pictures of her favorite birds, shells, and flowers.
4. Put links to the blogs. (done)
5. Leave a message for your nominees. (will do)
I enjoy these blogs, along with several others, and feel very fortunate to have such great inspiration at my fingertips!