Some bush roses behind the horse barn greet the visitors as they head for the garden complex. Most of the gardens are conceptual and not particularly colorful. The roses add a nice touch of color.
The opening to the perennial garden always frames a nice entrance with foliage and sculpture.
The rectangular beds of the perennial garden have been "dressed" for the event, and the late afternoon sun shines brightly on the eastern fence and its shrubbery adornment.
The dwarf blue spruce, the stage, and the skeleton of the Harry Lauder Walking Stick mark the southern end of this garden.
The right side of the picture displays one of the four entrances to the maze garden. The forsythia at the opening blends well with the vertical growth of the arborvitae.
If anyone recognizes the plant in the foreground, we would appreciate a note. It is a shade plant that will have orange flowers late in the season.
The tea garden stretches out towards the "summer sweet" border. All of our gardens were worked on and whipped into shape for this early event. Marcia and Bill contributed mightily, as did our wonderful and talented gardener, Karen Johnson.

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