As befits "country folks,"

we get our water supply from a well in the front yard and a working cistern that captures rain water from the eaves along the roof edge. The well head is opened and the line to the house is disconnected as the first step in the replacement process.
The pump is 75 feet deep and provides a never-ending supply of water. The well was moved in 1992 and a new pump added at that time. With an average life of 12 years, we decided to replace the current system before trouble ensued. Our long-time plumber and friend, Jim Burgio, and his son, Matt (in the background), along with his helper, Rodney, replaced pump, line, and electric wiring. All went well, and were soon back in operation.

Jim and Matt insulated the drain from the roof to the cistern. The cold winter rains and melting snow cause condensation on the pvc pipe as it traverses the warm cellar ceiling, causing drips along the way. This should solve the problem! We'll see...
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