Today was Marcia's Trunk Show, held in conjunction with the Quilts=Art=Quilts show at the Schweinfurth. Here, Marcia is introduced by museum staff member, Stephanie Schuster.

The presentation consisted of over 56 quilts and tops. Thanks go to our friend, Priscilla Kibbee, who chronciled each piece as it was presented. Following are 3 of the first pieces shown - but go to http://www.priscillakibbee.blogspot.com/ to see the whole show.
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The white-gloved volunteer helpers were provided by the Museum and did a wonderful job.

This quilt top is also due to be quilted in the near future and destined for another of our king-sized beds. It is from a pattern called Yikes! and was started in a class at Patricia's Fabric Store in East Rochester.