We had to say goodby to our long-time friend Fella today. He arrived here in 1987 in the company of our friend, Monica. He replaced a long stream of horses who have been part of our family (including another named Fella also!).
He was a gentle animal and liked visitors (especially if they brought him treats!). Here he nuzzles the son of the workman who put down the tile floor in the new studio.
His latest partner was a guest mare who was here to provide him companionship

Fella developed colic yesterday. It is a gastric disturbance caused by intestinal distress of some sort and is the number one killer of horses. Fella was over 30 years old and lived a long and healthy span of life. We shall miss him, but were able to bury him on our property, secure in the knowledge that he did not suffer a long illness and shared happy days and leaves with fond memories. May he rest in peace.
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