Saturday, May 23, 2009

Summer Flowers - 1

Each year we use Memorial Day weekend as a signal to shop for our summer gardens. As we age (gracefully, of course!), we vow to cut back on our purchases, and then immediately go back on our pledge. Maybe next year.... :-)

We shopped at a couple of stores, the big box Lowes and a long-time local nursery. We bought most of our plants at the nearby greeenhouse, trying to support local merchants where possible. Their offerings were more expensive, but of excellent quality.

We never thought that "Buy 12, get one free" worked as a marketing ploy. However, as you can see, with geraniums, it was irresistablePosted by Picasa

Our wonderful 40-year old lilac tree sends forth beautiful clumps of blossoms. This pictured color always seems to personify the name of the shrub and calls forth the image from memory when one reads or hears the word Lilac.

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