One plant

that renews itself is the old familiar Vinca vine. We tear some of it out each fall, but the resultant new growth and spring flowers make a nice transition from our back deck to the stone-edged two-tiered ponds.
Our garden cart makes a good mobile storage spot for potting soil and various planting tools. As you gardeners know, all these jobs require lots of storage space.
Our raised beds on the way to the barn

are replanted each year with flowers to be saved for dried arrangements. We have to tent the young offerings to protect them from critters (both four-legged and the flying variety). We use hoops, netting and spare pieces of wood to secure the area. Hope it works!
We spent three hours today working in the vegetable garden. Summer squash, green bean, yellow bean, and decorative gourd seeds, along with tomato and pepper plants, joined our earlier seeds and sets. A few years ago we might have done more today. Aching muscles decided that the air-conditioned house seemed like a better choice!