Sunday, September 4, 2011

Visions - Interpretations 2011

I'm very pleased to have my Jet Trails #8 accepted into "Interpretations 2011" at Visions Art Museum of Contemporary Quilts and Textiles in San Diego, CA.   It is one of 38 quilts juried into the exhibit by jurors Jamie Fingal, Catherine Gleason, and Rob Sidner.

The exhibit will be open from November 4, 2011, until January 22, 2012, and will feature the work of

Pamela Allen, Jill Ault, Shelley Brenner Baird, Catherine Beard, Polly Bech, Peggy
Brown, Marianne Burr, Betty Busby, Vicki Carlson, Chiaki Dosho, Marcia DeCamp,
Carol Bryer Fallert, Linda Filby-Fisher, Annette Guerrero, Desiree Habicht, Lisa
Kijak, Harue Konishi, Paula Kovarik, Jane LaFazio, Judith Larzelere, Denise Linet,
Jeanne Marklin, Lorie McCown, Alicia Merrett, Linda Miller, Gillian Moss, Kathy
Nida, Dan Olfe, Lori Lupe Pelish, Andrea Perejda, Judith Plotner, Sandra Poteet, Wen
Redmond, Kerby Smith, Louisa Smith, Virginia Spiegel, Mary Tabar, Charlotte Ziebarth.

Jet Trails #8  (47" x 47")   Hand-dyed cotton fabrics; machine pieced and machine quilted.


1 comment:

Sue Reno said...

Congratulations on the acceptance, how wonderful!