"Purple Sunset"
The Studio Art Quilt Associates web site offers on-line galleries, and this month's mini-gallery, titled "Matrix", includes my quilt, Purple Sunset.
MJ Russell, the guest curator for this month's gallery, states that "My left brain loves order, grids and structure, and many of these pieces initially called me from this perspective. Yet my right brain loves it when the matrix begins to slip, becoming slightly askew . . . so I was delighted to discover other images that dissolved into mystery and intrigue from a less structured base."
Link to Gallery - "Matrix"
List of selected artists:
Alicia Merrett
Aryana Londir
Beth Carney
Carol Ann Waugh
Catherine Beard
Charlotte Yde
Cher Cartwright
Cindy Grisdela
Denise Linet
Dianne Vottero Dockery
Elisabeth Nacenta de la Croix
Eszter Bornemisza
Floris Flam
Janet Kurjan
Janet Twinn
Jean Wells Keenan
Judith Plotner
Kevan Lunney
Marcia DeCamp
Meiny Vermaas-van der Heide
Mirjam Pet-Jacobs
Misik Kim
Norma Schlager
Phil D. Jones
Rosemary Hoffenberg
Shoko Hatano
Susan Webb Lee
Yvonne Porcella