We were able to take in three of the seven gardens on Lowville's First Annual garden tour before the rain storms chased us on our way. Hopefully next year we can see them all.
Our first stop was at the Butterscotch House B&B.
The gardens were lovely and enhanced by the accompanying flute music.
We were also treated to delicious cookies.
Pat and Anne walked through the many interesting areas of the second garden we visited, the Duflo Garden.
The property has been under development since 1993 and incorporates quite an incline that has been shaped with retaining walls and garden sections.
The gazebo and water gardens are at the bottom of the hill.
This is a view of part of the hill.

Our third visit was to the Schell Garden outside of Lowville. The Schells built their home in 2005 and have developed about two acres of their property into various gardens.
The backyard gardens are built into hills and wooded areas, and include many whimsical decorations and repurposed items.