Friday, October 9, 2015

Kitty Update

Our feral cat, Millie, has lots of special hiding places, including in the flower beds.  She likes to peek out from behind cover. 

She lets Marcia hold her and snuggles and purrs....  Just don't make any move toward carrying her indoors or she jumps down in a hurry!

Our other wanderer also likes it here.  Boots likes to roll in the sun.  Our vet calls him the "neighborhood" cat, but he never misses two or three meals a day on our deck.

Our ten-year-old resident kitty periodically decides she wants to play with her stuffed animals and searches for just the right one.

She leaves them at various spots around the house, and then won't touch them for weeks.  Although we have tried, there has been no success in teaching her to return them to the basket!

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