In good weather our outdoor cats come to the deck located outside our back door for their food. Here, our well-fed, but-still-feral, Millie waits patiently for one of her meals.
A large area retailer, Wayside Gardens, has two resident cats who are on hand in the multiple greenhouses to greet customers.
If they receive any sign of affection, they will latch on and accompany you about the store. This one literally clung to my pant leg and sat on my foot!
They might even help you choose the proper plants for your needs. They sure have the experience!

In cold weather, the outdoor cats return to the horse barn and wait for service. Here Millie sits on a heated pad while she sups. Her enclosed heated house is available to her right.
Our acquired cat, Mr. Boots, has his food in another part of the barn that also has heated bowls of water. His heated house is behind him. You can see why our cats like it here!
We didn't have any new pictures of Suki to add to the update, but she is taking a prescription of prednisone and doing fine.